Sunday, January 30, 2011

What do I know...

"I believe that you're great, that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, this something that is within you, this power within you that's greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence. If you let it! Now that is what I know, for sure"  
                 - Michael Beckwith-

Friday, January 28, 2011

Life is supposed to be fun...

The album is almost done. We only have 3 songs left to work on, then it's off to mixing and mastering. While everything is moving faster and faster I try to stay centered and remember to have as much fun as I possibly can in every single moment, because now is all I have and life is supposed to be fun :).

Klarity with a K...

"I follow my life purpose as it unfolds from moment to moment. I choose my highest path each moment."

I love and appreciate how much clarity I have received today. I now know how I want the release-party for the CD/Book to be. I want to host it in a beautiful theater, and make a theater performance /music show. With actors acting out certain parts of the book combined with us playing live music, maybe even some dancers :) 
I'm going to brainstorm some more with my producer Marco Deb. 
More ideas coming soon...
This is going to be so much fun!!!

LOVEOLUTION ™  (c) Klara Kazmi 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some pictures from the gig @ Tranan

I want to thank everyone who came out to support and vibe with me and The Professional Funhavers at Tranan last night :) We had a blast!!! I got some pictures from the gig today (thank you Petra), I hope to get some more soon!
Klara Kazmi, Sling Fingers and Marco Deb aka Baloo

Klara Kazmi, Sling Fingers and Marco Deb aka Baloo

Monday, January 24, 2011


Check out my talented friends Lo5, a cozy jam session recorded at my place :)

Warriors of the rainbow

A friend on facebook shared this lovely quote...

"When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from many colours, classes, creeds. Who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. The will be known as the warriors of the rainbow." - Hopi Indian Prophecy ♥

Rainbow Tribe (c) Klara Kazmi

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Professional Funhavers

As some of you know my live band is called "The Professional Funhavers"
We take our job seriously…
See I have a vision for my band. I want them to look like the "Men in Black" but instead of black suits I would like them to wear pink suits and purple shirts, and heart shaped sunglasses instead of Ray-Bans.
I want them to walk on stage in a very serious manner and open their attache cases and take out their super cool glasses and start working/smiling :)
I Just have to convince them that this is the right image for us... Hmmm... I will work on that one!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Game- something two people play

 ( My talented friend wrote this, and I thought I should share her wisdom with all of you )

 The Game- something two people play. The Game can lead to some unexpected feelings and can be resembled to a rollercoaster ride. There may be some thrill when going up and down in loops but there may also be some nausia involved due to the fear factor. Scilence is a contributing fear factor mostly because of the different experiences of the sexes but also the individual experiences that lead the person to interpretate things somewhat differently then what the other person meant. One major difference of the opposite sexes is that girls have been fed with illusions about princes and princesses all there lifes meanwhile boys have been fed with porn magazines, both sexes have a somewhat twisted vision of reality and how things should look and feel that one should have in mind when entering the game.
it is unfair to let the other person guess what is on the other persons mind- to keep it simple- and i think simplicity is helpful for both parties- one should not be afraid of communication. Having said that- Fear is the biggest spoiler- though very human. One stripps "naked" infront of another person- something one does not do every day- so it does take some practice to master- some people are better at it then others- its really all about the comfort zone the person is in. Not to forget- Games can be fun and can give unexpected reactions, Not playing at all can be somewhat dull. Life is about meeting ones fears and learning ones limits and choosing what rides to go on and when to get off.

Having this said. I seldom play games, though i think they are interesting, my fear is in the lack of control and ultimately falling out of the seat. Very human. Though It has kept my interest going and i would like to explore some more- I do feel the need of a little bit more communication to communicate when the ride is getting to uncomfortable- i feel the need of honesty and that is how i intend to proceed- i like things simple. No person is an open book- because some chapters have not been written yet.

-I am Woman-

Friday, January 7, 2011

Eat with Love

Why do we eat what we eat? I believe it's mostly habitual. we have been taught by watching others what is good/bad then we just imitate no questions asked.
Personally I only eat food that resonate with me on a vibrational level, I don't believe my thoughts or left- brain, since it only repeats what it has been taught... but I do believe in what my heart tells me.

Some parts of this book resonated with me, other parts less, but I still recommend it so other people can experience it for themselves and take with them whatever light they need on their journey.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Peace Love & Art

I would really like to arrange a festival this spring/summer! I love when people get together and focus on stuff that feels good, creativity in ever form.
Local artist could come and sell their art. I have a vision of tables full of handmade and maybe even recycled stuff. Musicians and dance groups beaming out their love for their art affecting everyone who watches. I must have a spoken word/ poetry corner where our talented poets could plant seeds of love and joy in the listeners minds, speaking straight from the heart.

I am blessed to have found a partner to co- create this with, my good friend and really talented artist Claire Caudwell. At the moment we are at the name picking stage and I am having so much fun just tasting the ideas and infusing my mind with creativity and endless possibilities ;)
Co -creation at it's best!!

(c) Klara Kazmi

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Makes you think...

Where there are too many policemen, there is no liberty.
Where there are too many soldiers, there is no peace.
Where there are too many lawyers, there is no justice. -Lyn Yutang-

Monday, January 3, 2011

Feel like makin' Love

This song warms my heart it makes me wander off to my romantic Queendom and write the most beautiful of all fairy tales :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Yes... Loving myself also means getting paid!

My New Years Resolution

I  dedicate this coming year 2011 to loving and honoring myself more. When I feel good I do good.

1. Part of feeling good is taking care of my body, my temple. Therefore I have decided to exercise 3 times a week and I will try to spend as much time as possible outdoors connecting with nature and just being.

2. I have decided to honor and value all the work I do by always getting compensated for it.

3. I will always trust and follow my inner wisdom in every situation.

There are so many things that I want to do in this coming year and I know that many adventures are waiting around the corner. I look forward to riding all the rainbows that life has to offer, I begin by loving all i have right now and staying on my life path with gratitude, joy, love and expectation. This is a beautiful Journey and I am grateful for who I am and where I am at right now.
Wishing you all a wonderful, loving, magical and prosperous 2011!


Some inspiration:)